
Saturday, December 15, 2012

We Need You

An Open Letter To Those Lost Souls That Need Encouragement,

I encourage you.

Seriously, I do, for whatever emotion it is that you are feeling this morning, be it anger, sadness, or maybe you're simply in just a state of shock--it's all human.  For better or for worse, we are creatures of our own rationalization and there are times where an answer doesn't pop up.  Nor should it, in this case.

There is no answer.

How could there be?  And would that make you feel better?  There is no rationalization and in its place is a empty hole, a dark nothingness.  And it hurts.  It hurts so bad.

I encourage you to know that out of the dark comes that little voice.  It's so tiny at first but it grows and grows because that's human nature--the ever resilient, refusing to be silent force.

It's going to be okay.

How do I know?  It's simple.  We'll make sure of it, together.

I encourage you to ignore the brutality of the following statement but the world is fucked.  It always has been and always will be and the only thing that we can do, as specks on the world, is avoid as much fuck as we can.  But, in all honesty, the longer we stay here the more fuck we will see and there's nothing that we can do about that.

It is our inclination to band together, grab pitchforks and torches, and march towards the monster when we really should just be sitting in our homes with our loved ones and reflecting.  We should be reflecting that while there is an awful lot of fuck in the world there is still plenty of good as well.

You see, it's a balance.  That's part of the deal that none of us agreed to but are forced to deal with every waking moment.

But that's the beauty of it.  We're all in it together and there's not a damn thing we can do about it so we might as well band together and make the best of it.  That's life, kids, in a nutshell.

So when something terrible happens, that has no reason or rhyme, I encourage you to band together and weather the storm.  I can't make it without you and you can't make it without me.  And just as I tell you it's going to be okay, I need you to tell me too.  That's how that tiny voice grows.

While it may seem like we are simply convincing each other that it's going to get better when it seems like it really won't, well, that's the point.  If just one more person believes it will be okay, then I've done my job.  Then that person will convince another person it's okay.

And then everything is okay.

And Band-Aids don't heal broken legs.

But it's a start in the healing process and a start is what we need.

I encourage you to wake up this morning and go and be the best person you can be.  Regardless of what emotion you have, you are still human, and you must go on.  Band together with your fellow specks and help weigh the balance back in the favor of good.

We need you.


The Studly Pastures

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