
Sunday, August 22, 2010

Rocket Man

Roger Clemens, former MLB pitcher, was indicted on federal charges for lying to a grand jury about his steroid use throughout his career.

Clemens has vehemently denied ever using steroids despite testimony from the guy that gave him steroids, and Andy Pettitte, another MLB pitcher that took steroids and admitted to it and is Roger Clemens best friend.

The Rocket made a fatal flaw in his web of lies. He was able to convince himself that he never took steroids. So, when his web began to fall apart around him, he should have taken the same route as Pettitte, or Alex Rodriguez, or Brian Cushing, or Manny Ramirez, and that is to LIE about why you took steroids in the first place.

Say it was because some lousy trainer told you it was herbal supplements, or you were taking fertility drugs to have sympathy symptoms with your wife, or you accidentally fell on the needle.

This is the proper progression of lying. When caught in your first lie, you make up a new one that is even more preposterous than that!

Instead, Rocket is in deeper shit than he was before, because now he faces possible jail time for LYING to a federal court. They don't take too kindly to that.

Look, we all know why he was lying. He was trying to save himself that Hall of Fame spot.

Yet again, he was so deep in his own muck that he didn't recognize what was happening to Mark McGwire. Big Mac didn't even LIE! He didn't say anything! Still, no Hall of Fame for the guy that "brought back baseball". (Speaking of which, have you seen Sammy Sosa lately? Jesus Christ!)

What's next for Roger? Well, he's gotta go to prison. He has to, because I'm sick of this.

He needs to go to prison for his reality check. He's just like the rest of us. We do something wrong, we lie about it, we get caught, and then we suffer the CONSEQUENCES.

Clemens is a man who needs to suffer some consequences.

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