
Friday, April 17, 2015

Isn't It About Time You Got Going?

The subscribers to the Studly Pastures know that there are a few folks in the realm of the universe that I am not quite fond of.

Peyton Manning.  Cole Hamels.  And the rest...

I hate those guys because I've always felt like they had a personal vendetta against me which, in turn, led me to have a personal vendetta against them.  Thus the cycle repeats itself and I never confront my weird hatred for random athletes.

But there's always one...alwaaaaaays one that can only be explained as the feeling you get when you meet your daughter's boyfriend for the first time and he's a total douche bag...but he also knows that he's a douche bag and he's so far gone into Doucheland that he's trying his damndest to get into your house and bang your daughter while also showing you how much of a douche bag he is.

I'm talking about Alex Rodriguez, kids.  The guy just doesn't take a hint unless it's something you can liquefy and inject into your ass and have your cousin and dealer take the fall.

He's so far gone that he came back to baseball.  HE CAME BACK.  That's like being told by the chess club, and you're the guy that beat Bobby Fischer (Google it before you judge), that we're good and we don't need you anymore because you took brain pills or some shit like that.  They annexed you and you decided, "Eh, I'll come back next year and everything will be just fine."  Everything you've done has been done in vain.  It doesn't matter.

That was your unvite, dipshit.  We don't want you here anymore and apparently a simple YEAR LONG BAN isn't enough to get through your chemically improved thick-skull.  The New York Yankees make press conferences about how 'he has to prove himself" and how they're 'taking it day by day'and it makes me want to vomit because they should have been rid of him a loooooong time ago.

I get it.  I scale over the Yankees current lineup and there's not a single person listed there that scares me and that's not exactly Bronx Bomber fashion.  So for good business we kiss and makeup with Rodriguez and plug him in at first base or DH because we need the power.  Wait.  Do either of those nouns matter?  I'm starting to feel that they are interchangeable.

We were at 656 with Rodriguez.  He hit 657 tonight.  Does it matter?  Is anybody going to think he really passes Willie Mays at 660?  Really?!

Alex Rodriguez has felt, for the entirety of his career, that his personal gain is much more important than keeping intact the integrity of the game.  He made a choice, was called out on it, paid his punishment, and is now in the starting lineup of the New York Yankees.  Was that enough?  Absolutely not.  His reputation is beyond repair.  He'll never see the light of day of the Hall of Fame because the writers that vote for it are old school and they HATE anybody who tampers with the integrity of the game.

He's playing for a paycheck at this point.  There's nothing else he can accomplish.  The rhetoric he spits out about loving baseball and setting a good example for his children is what we call in the waking world utter bullshit.  He's a con artist.  I feel bad for his kids.

If he loves baseball so much why does he try his best to manipulate it's rules?  Or bend them?  Or cheat them?!

Mariano Rivera and Derek Jeter deserved their send-offs.  Rodriguez deserves to be sent away and never thought of again.