Kingsway Middle School in Swedesboro, New Jersey has officially added new curriculum to their physical education program...skateboarding.
And they said that smoking weed, not cutting your hair, and wearing Vans wouldn't get you far in school!
I would just like the record to show that I am vehemently against this action.
First of all, who still skateboards? Didn't that die out completely in like 2002? I don't even think the most famous skateboarder of all, Tony Hawk, still skateboards. He's 42 for christsakes! Time to put away the knee pads and put on a suit, Tony.
But isn't it a little odd that something like skateboarding, which has always been a symbol and a catalyst for the anti-establishment movement, is now implemented in a public school system?
I mean, what's next? If skateboarding is now being accepted in PHYSICAL EDUCATION classes, are English Lit classes going to make Thrasher magazine a required text?
Don't they know what happens when you introduce a little anarchy into the equation? Revolution!
Furthermore, the school systems are using skateboarding as a replacement for dodgeball!
That's right people, your kids might live in a world without dodgeball.
Dodgeball is a more appropriate life lesson to teach in Phys Ed than skateboarding. Think about it: if you make a mistake, you get hit with a ball. It's a beautiful representation of what happens to you in the real world. Plus, the bigger and stronger usually win over the weak and timid.
What's skateboarding teach? How to snap your arm in half trying to do a switch kickflip down a flight of stairs? Or maybe it's to show the intense ball pain you'll have the first time you try to grind a rail?
They should have just gone for the gusto and brought motocross in. At least they all have hot wives.
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