While most of the nation saw that headline and said, "Well, duh" and then proceeded to move on with their lives, rest assured that this was done for a reason. It's not like this judge was just sitting in court one day and said, "You know what? Today's the day I feel like shitting on some kids and hot chicks."
It's a Title IX type of dealie for the handling and disbursement of funds. That's right, one of those weird times where it's about the money and nothing else really.
Look, saying cheer leading is not a sport is pretty much a no-brainer. I sit in the stands and cheer as loud as I can too but I don't expect someone to hand me a towel and a bucket of Gatorade when I get done. It's not that tough.
But why shouldn't they get money under Title IX?
I went to a university where the athletic program was like watching a dog trying to grab a doggy treat off of his back. He just keeps going around and around in circles and you think about attempting to help him but you're hypnotized.
Saturdays became more about the alcohol than about the football.
Sure enough though, every Saturday, there were the cheer leaders. Dancing around, rhyming, and getting tossed around. There was a quirky sense of honor about them for trying to promote a winning attitude in a bunch of losers.
Cheer leaders are like the band from the Titanic who decided to keep playing violins to calm the crowd instead of clawing their way to a lifeboat like the rest of us would have done.
Dammit, they've got spirit! Can't you hear them, judge?
Cheer leaders are so dedicated to their craft that they couldn't even put the pom-poms down for just a second to rally for their own cause and try and squeeze some of that sweet Title IX juice.
Which, is fantastically ironic.
Give the cheer leaders their well deserved money, judge. Just not the dude ones. They're weird.